Friday, July 6, 2012

“Hoot” with Chi Omega Convention on Twitter!

During Convention, Chi Omega will be using Twitter to share pictures, quotes, and updates about the event. If you are already a Twitter user, you’ll simply look for “tweets” tagged with the hashtag #XO2012 and you can add that hashtag to your own posts or tweets to connect with others! Join in on the conversation and share your experiences at Convention 2012!

You can follow Chi Omega's official Twitter feed at @ChiOmegaXO or


If you’re new to Twitter, don’t worry! We will teach you all of the basics.

To get started, set up an account by visiting Fill in  your full name, then create a username. You can even show your Chi Omega spirit by putting XO or ChiO in your username! Create your password, verify your information, and you will be all set!

A tweet is a basic Twitter message—limited to 140 characters. In Chi Omega, we like to call tweets "hoots!"

When you set up an account, you will be able to send out tweets as that user. Those who “follow” you will be able to see your tweets, and you will be able to see the tweets of those that you follow (much like how you can see your Facebook friends’ activity on your newsfeed).

When you post a tweet, you can also use the @ symbol to “tag” a specific username, such as @ChiOmegaXO (again, this is similar to “tagging” a person in a Facebook post using the @ symbol). Twitter will automatically notify any user that is mentioned in a tweet.

The hashtag sign (#) is used to create conversations around a certain topic by creating a trend. For example, #XO2012 will be the designated hashtag for all Convention conversations. The hashtag #XO2012 will help us share thoughts about what we are talking about and learning in Phoenix. Check out this example tweet with the #XO2012 hashtag:

In addition to new Twitter messages, users can reply to or retweet other users' messages. In other words, you are encouraged to tweet and retweet (or, hoot and rehoot) with Sisters you meet at Convention!

A reply is simply a response to a post. To reply to another user’s tweet, simply click the “Reply” arrow and type your message. It will automatically add the @username who wrote the original message so that she is notified when a Twitter user replies to their tweet.

A retweet (or RT) is when you repost a message someone else added. The “retweet” usually includes the abbreviation “RT”, followed by the username of the person who posted what you are sharing. You can also add additional text to the retweeted message if you have a comment to add or a user who you would like to mention.

Be sure to connect with Chi Omega by using Twitter to share photos, updates, and information regarding Convention 2012! Join in on the conversation right from your smart phone or computer by using the hashtag #XO2012 and mentioning us at @ChiOmegaXO—you don’t want to miss out!

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